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  • Writer's pictureAron Pinto

Diagnosing Common Residential Flooring Problems Before You Buy a Home

An older home can be a wonderful buy. Often they are full of the kind of charm and individuality that newer homes can sometimes lack. When viewing a home of this kind though you do have to look a little more closely at the actual structure. The floors are one of those important elements. But what should you be on the lookout for? Here are some examples?

Sunken Floors – At best uneven, even sunken floors are a nuisance but in the worst case scenario they can actually even end up being rather dangerous. Most such problems relate not to the portion of the floor that you can actually see but to the subfloor. Many of the most common subfloor problems can be completely remedied, but only if you acknowledge the problem in the first place. Here are a few of those problems, do any of these exist in your home?

Creaking Floor – That the floors in an older house have a spot or two that creaks is very common and for the most part homeowners tend to ignore the creaking, dismissing the problem as a minor annoyance and just a “quirk” of their home. That can be a big mistake though. A creaking floor can be a sign that the subfloor is no longer properly attached to the joists that lie beneath, making it very insecure and potentially dangerous.

Sinking Floors – Sinking floors are another common problem and there are a couple of possible reasons. Often the floor in a home sinks because the subfloor was simply never installed correctly in the first place, an issue that can crop up in even a newly built home. It may also be that over time water spills, humidity and excess moisture have damaged the joists, rotting them away and leaving certain areas of the floor unsupported.

Uneven Floors – As a house grows older its foundations settle causing floors that were once perfectly straight and even to slant.

All of these problems can often end up being rather complicated and the repairs really are best left to a flooring professional who can tell you exactly what the problem is and how best to go about fixing it. It may not be a very cheap fix either, as many flooring problems do relate to the structure of the home itself. Ignoring floor problems though can end up being even more costly so ordering a “checkup” for the floors before you consider making an offer if they are displaying any of the symptoms detailed above can save you a lot of money – and potential heartache – in the future.

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