There's nothing quite like biting into an apple you've grown yourself. There's something satisfying about knowing exactly where something came from and how it was tended to as it grew.
And, while it would be great if we could grow whatever we wanted, there are some fruits that simply do not thrive in our climate. In Ontario, for example, there aren't many mango trees to be found. 😂
As Realtors, Team Pinto have had the honour of working with the owners of some of the Waterloo Region's most spectacular gardens - as well as some true gardening and landscaping experts - and gleaned a wealth of knowledge in the process.
Today we thought we would take time to discuss what are considered to be the five best fruit trees to plant in Ontario. The ones that are likely to yield the best harvest for you, and maybe even spark greater interest from buyers if the time has come to sell your Waterloo Region home.
Pear Trees

Pear trees are easy to grow, require little maintenance, and produce delicious fruit. Pear trees are less pest-prone than other fruit trees, and once they start bearing fruit, they live for a long time. Pear trees should be planted in the early spring in a full sun, well-ventilated area of your yard. One thing to remember about pear trees is that most of them are not self-pollinating, so you'll need two cultivators to ensure fruit production. Pears are best harvested in the early fall, between the end of August and the beginning of October.
Cherry Trees

Cherries are not only a tasty fruit, but their trees are also stunning in the spring, when they are covered in white or pink blossoms, adding a lovely aesthetic to any yard. There are two types of cherry trees: sweet and sour. Know which one you're planting because sour cherries aren't meant to be eaten raw, despite their ability to grow in colder climates. Cherry trees don't need much pruning in the spring because they thin out on their own. They do, however, require a lot of moisture, so a mulch coating around the base is recommended in the spring.
Cherries are ripe when they turn a deep red color, which usually happens in late June or early July. One thing to keep in mind when picking cherries: the stems that attach them to the tree are delicate, so it's best to cut them from the tree with pruning scissors.
Plum Trees

Plum trees are less demanding than some other types of trees, making them ideal for first-time gardeners. They don't require much maintenance and are a fairly hardy tree that can survive even in colder climates like Ontario in winter.
When planting a plum tree, choose a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day and has well-draining soil with little clay. It will also be beneficial if you can find a sheltered spot to avoid strong winds.
They do require some light thinning in the spring to prevent breakage due to the weight of the fruit, but they are otherwise a self-sustaining tree. And plums have a long season of harvesting. Between May and October, you should be able to pick tons of plums from your tree. That's a lot of plums, but you can do a lot with them!
Peach Trees

The aroma of juicy, delicious peaches fills the air. If you want to plant a fruit tree in your backyard, peach trees are a great option. They can withstand temperatures as low as -28 degrees Celsius, depending on the type you choose. Peach trees should be planted as soon as the ground has thawed in the early spring. You'll want to pick a location that gets plenty of sun, especially in the morning, and has good drainage.
The great thing about peach trees is that they are self-fertilizing, which means you won't have to do much extra work to get fruit. They will need to be pruned on a regular basis to stay healthy, but the crop they produce will be well worth the effort. In July and August, you should be able to pick peaches from the tree and that will be wonderful. 😍
Apple Trees

The apple tree is probably the best fruit tree you could choose. They are a hardy tree that can withstand the elements, can endure hot and cold temperatures, and come in over 100 different varieties, depending on whether you want cooking apples, snacking apples, sweet or sour, crunchy or soft.
Apple trees can thrive in both large and small yards. Apple trees can also be planted in the fall, unlike other types of trees that should only be planted in the spring. They thrive in moderately rich soil that isn't too wet, and they flourish when they get at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. Water young trees on a regular basis to ensure that their roots grow deep.
Apple trees don't require much pruning, but they are susceptible to pests, so if you want a good crop, you should look into natural pesticides. They, too, have a good harvest season that lasts from August to October.
Getting ready to sell your Waterloo Region home, or buy a new one? Let Team Pinto use our huge experience and expertise to help you. Contact the award-winning Team Pinto here, or book a free Zoom consultation to discuss your unique Waterloo Region real estate needs here.