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  • Writer's pictureAron Pinto

Is a NERD Ruining Your Home – and Maybe Even Your Life?

NERDS are common problems in homes all over the world and there are some terrible cases here in the Waterloo Region. In fact some experts we have spoken to have suggested that maybe 1 in every 4 households in our area is being affected by a NERD as we speak. They affect young couples, singletons and even entire families, and yet too many of their victims are willing to do anything about them.

What are NERDS? Well they are not a new horrible disease in the strictest sense of the word, but they can be contagious. NERD stands for Never Ending Renovation Drama and some homeowners live with one for years.

A NERD begins when you make preparations to undertake a renovation project around your home but then never quite manage to get around to finishing what you started. They are often the result of a New Year’s Resolution by the way, so be careful what you promise to do this New Year!

Here is just one common example a of a NERD:

You know your living room walls are a little shabby and boring and the fact that paint is beginning to peel in certain places and that there are stains on the paintwork that have been there for years are all signs that a complete paint job is called for and maybe a little wallpapering as well.

Full of good intentions, you head off to home store, buy some wonderful paint and a couple of rolls of really nice wallpaper that you intend to use to create one of those cool accent walls. You put all your purchases in the garage, intending to get started next weekend.

Cut to six months later. The new paint is still in the garage but a lot more of the old stuff has flaked off the walls. Every time you even walk past the room you feel a bit sick because it looks such a state and you promise you’ll start painting this weekend.

But then there is the kids’ hockey game, that party you’ve been invited to and on top of all that you have to work on Saturday morning anyway …

NERDS strike all over the home and they can become a real problem. Sleepless nights racked with guilt over the fact that the bath is still leaking and it’s been that way for a month but the caulk still isn’t working. Or being kept awake by the drip, drip, drip of the kitchen taps that you just cannot get to stop. Or sneers from your mother-in-law as she sips her tea staring at that peeling paint in the living room.

One of the upsides of preparing to sell your home is that you will be forced to face the NERD in your home head on, and actually finally get the work done, at least if you actually want to sell your home quickly and at the right price.

But why wait that long? If there is a NERD lurking in your home face it now, so that you can get back to enjoying your home while you are still living in it. And, should you decide to sell up some time in the future there will be a lot less time and money involved in actually getting the place in great shape to sell.

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