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Top Trends in Home Wants Among Buyers: What Waterloo Region Homesellers Need to Know

As the world changes, so too do the priorities of home buyers. In recent years, there have been a number of trends in home wants among buyers. Here are some of the top trends we've observed and some tips on how you can take advantage of them as a Waterloo Region homeseller:

Home Offices

In recent years, the number of people working from home at lest for part of their working time has skyrocketed. As a result, homebuyers are increasingly looking for properties with dedicated home office spaces. If you're selling a home with a home office, it's important to showcase this space to potential buyers in the best possible light. Here are some tips for doing just that:

  • Declutter and clean: Before you show your home office space to potential buyers, make sure it's clean and free of clutter. This will help them visualize how the space could look with their own furniture and belongings.

  • Highlight the natural light: If your home office space has plenty of natural light, make sure to highlight this feature. Open blinds and curtains to let in as much light as possible, and consider painting the walls a light, neutral color to enhance the brightness of the space.

  • Stage the space: Even if you're currently using your home office space, it's important to stage it for potential buyers. This means removing any personal items and adding neutral decor that will help buyers envision the space as their own.

  • Add some personality: While you want to keep the decor neutral, it's important to add some personality to the space to make it feel welcoming. Consider adding a piece of artwork or a plant to liven up the space and give it some character.

  • Highlight any unique features: If your home office space has any unique features, such as built-in shelving or a large window, make sure to showcase these features to potential buyers. These details can help set your home apart from others on the market.

  • Emphasize the privacy: One of the key benefits of a home office space is the ability to work in privacy. Make sure to emphasize this feature to potential buyers, especially if the space is located away from high-traffic areas of the home.

Outdoor Living Spaces

With more and more people looking to spend time outdoors, outdoor living spaces have become an increasingly important selling point for homes. If you're selling a home with an outdoor living space, such as a patio, deck, or backyard, it's important to showcase this space to potential buyers in the best possible light. Here are some tips for doing just that:

  • Clean and declutter: Before showing your outdoor living space to potential buyers, make sure it's clean and free of clutter. Remove any debris, tidy up furniture, and power wash surfaces to make the space look fresh and inviting.

  • Stage the space: Just like with the interior of your home, staging your outdoor living space can help potential buyers envision themselves in the space. Arrange furniture in a way that encourages conversation and relaxation, and add some decorative touches, such as throw pillows or outdoor rugs, to make the space feel cozy and welcoming.

  • Highlight the landscaping: If you have a backyard or garden, make sure to showcase these features to potential buyers. Make sure the grass is well-manicured, the plants are healthy and thriving, and the space looks well-cared for. Consider adding some colorful flowers or plants to add visual interest and make the space feel more inviting.

  • Emphasize the versatility: Buyers want to see that an outdoor living space can be used for multiple purposes. Highlight the versatility of the space by showcasing how it can be used for dining, lounging, or entertaining. Consider adding some string lights or outdoor speakers to create a fun and festive atmosphere.

  • Showcase any unique features: If your outdoor living space has any unique features, such as a built-in grill or a hot tub, make sure to showcase these features to potential buyers. These details can help set your home apart from others on the market and may even increase the perceived value of the property.

Energy Efficiency

As people become more environmentally conscious and energy costs continue to rise, energy efficiency has become an increasingly important selling point for homes. If you're selling a home with energy-efficient features, such as energy-efficient windows, appliances, or HVAC systems, it's important to showcase these features to potential buyers in the best possible light. Here are some tips for doing just that:

  • Get an energy audit: Before listing your home, consider getting an energy audit from a certified professional. This audit can help identify areas where your home could be more energy-efficient, such as gaps in insulation or air leaks around windows and doors. This information can then be used to make targeted improvements that can help reduce energy costs and make your home more attractive to potential buyers.

  • Highlight energy-efficient features: Make sure to highlight any energy-efficient features your home has to potential buyers. For example, if you have Energy Star-certified appliances or low-flow toilets, make sure to showcase these features and highlight their energy-saving benefits.

  • Provide energy usage data: If you have data on your home's energy usage and costs, provide this information to potential buyers. This can help demonstrate the savings potential of your home's energy-efficient features and make your home more appealing to buyers who are looking to save money on energy costs.

  • Emphasize the comfort factor: Energy-efficient homes are not only good for the environment and your wallet, but they are also more comfortable to live in. Make sure to emphasize this benefit to potential buyers, highlighting how features like insulated windows and doors can help keep the home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Ease of Maintenance

Home maintenance can be a daunting task, especially for busy homeowners. If you're selling a home that requires minimal upkeep, it's important to emphasize this feature to potential buyers. Here are some tips for staging a home to emphasize ease of maintenance:

  • Choose durable materials: When selecting materials for your home, choose options that are durable and require minimal maintenance. For example, consider using flooring materials like tile or hardwood that are easy to clean and don't require regular steam cleaning. Similarly, consider using low-maintenance materials for countertops, such as quartz or solid surface materials.

  • Keep it simple: When it comes to staging a home for easy maintenance, less is often more. Keep decor simple and minimal to reduce clutter and make cleaning and dusting easier. For example, opt for simple window treatments that are easy to clean and avoid decorative items that collect dust.

  • Opt for easy-to-clean surfaces: When selecting furniture, choose options with easy-to-clean surfaces, such as leather or vinyl. These materials are durable and can be easily wiped clean, making them ideal for busy homeowners.

  • Emphasize storage: A home with ample storage can make it easier for homeowners to keep their space clean and organized. Emphasize storage options like closets, built-ins, and cabinets to potential buyers.

  • Use landscaping to your advantage: A low-maintenance yard can be a selling point for homeowners who don't want to spend a lot of time on yard work. Consider landscaping options like gravel or mulch that require minimal upkeep. Similarly, choose plants that are easy to care for and require minimal watering.

  • Consider smart home features: Smart home features, such as automated thermostats and lighting, can help homeowners save time and energy. Consider adding smart home features to your home and emphasize these features to potential buyers.

  • Provide maintenance records: If you've kept up with regular maintenance on your home, provide records to potential buyers. This can help demonstrate that the home has been well-cared for and requires minimal upkeep.

As you begin your Waterloo Region home selling journey , keep these top trends in mind and work with a trusted real estate team to help you capitalize on them in the best ways. Contact us today to get started!


Team Pinto is an award-winning real estate team serving the Waterloo Region of Ontario. Known for their commitment to client service and superior real estate negotiation skills, Team Pinto are ready to serve your Waterloo Region real estate needs at

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